Evaluasi Sistem Pembiayaan Murabahah Pada Bmt Bina Usaha Mandiri
Oleh :
Isnaini Nur Arifah - F3308154 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Murabahah is a principled form of financing of the bargain which is basically a sales with a profit (margin) is added above a certain cost.
This research was conducted in BMT Bina Usaha Mandiri, which addressed at Alun-alun Utara Street, Central Klaten. BMT Bina Usaha Mandiri provides financing and deposit services consisting of various products. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation of the system is murabahah in BMT Bina Usaha Mandiri.
Based on research conducted in the BMT Bina Usaha Mandiri, the authors can conclude that as a general murabahah system has been implemented properly in accordance with established procedures. But there are still weaknesses found in this financing system.
Based on the weaknesses found in the author provides several suggestions as follows, forms need to be made copies of Funding Agreement for the BMT and store customer data that includes agreement between both parties and the need for separation between the field survey with analysis of financing for cross-checking occurs and creating efficiencies in the financing system.