Improving Students’ Writing Ability By Using Inquiry Based Learning
Oleh :
Mila Puji Lestari - S890209122 - Fak. KIP
This thesis is aimed at knowing whether inquiry based learning can improve students’ writing ability or not, how it can be implemented in the class, and the strengths and weaknesses of inquiry based learning when it is implemented to teach writing. The preliminary research showed that the students had problems in writing elements: organization, contents, grammar, spelling, punctuations, and mechanics, and vocabulary. They also did not know the process of writing.
The research was done in SMP Negeri 11 Madiun from December 2009 – June 2010. The subject of the study was the students of the VII A grade of SMP Negeri 11 Madiun consisting of 33 students. It was a classroom action research. The researcher did some steps for each cycle. They were planning, action, observation, and reflection. In collecting the data, the researcher applied several techniques including observation, interview, questionnaire, and test. The quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistic. It compared between the scores of pre-test (before implementing inquiry based learning) and post-test (after implementing inquiry based learning), while the qualitative data were analyzed by using qualitative technique analysis which consists of four steps: data collection, data reduction, data display, and data conclusion.
In result, inquiry based learning can be implemented in teaching writing. It can be implemented effectively. The students were more highly interested and interactive in writing. Their writing improved in organization, content, grammar, spelling, punctuations, spelling, and mechanics, and vocabulary. This improvement influenced their scores from cycle to cycle, and based on the result of post-test, there was significant improvement between the students’ score in pre-test and post-test. The students also knew the process of writing. For that reason, inquiry based learning was able to stimulate students to write well. In conclusion inquiry based learning is able to improve students’ writing ability. It stimulates students to be more creative and active to express their ideas.
In short, it is recommended that the teachers use inquiry based learning in teaching writing.