Analisis modus operandi mafia peradilan dalam memengaruhi proses penyidikan, penuntutan dan peradilan ditinjau dari segi kode etik kepolisian, kejaksaan dan hakim selaku penegak hukum
Oleh :
Akbar Mahar - E1106084 - Fak. Hukum
This research aims to find out the operating mode of justice mafia in influence the investigation, prosecution and justice processes viewed from the ethical code aspect of police, public prosecutor office and judge.
This study belongs to a doctrinal law research that is prescriptive in nature revealing the operating mode of justice mafia in influence the investigation, prosecution and justice processes viewed from the ethical code aspect of police, public prosecutor office and judge. The types of law material used were primary and secondary law materials. The material sources employed were primary, secondary and tertiary material sources. Technique of collecting the law material used was library study, that is, the law material collection done by looking for the materials from books, documents, archives, and also legislations relevant to the research object. The law materials analysis was done using deductive logics to draw a conclusion from the general to particular things.
Considering the result of research and discussion, it can be concluded as follows: firstly, the operating mode of justice mafia practice used in investigation stage is to promise to the suspect that he/she can reengineer the case by offering the light articles. In the prosecution process, the operating mode is by conspiring with the some public prosecutors. In justice process, the justice mafia lobbies the judge to discuss the fate of the defendant in court. Secondly, in the police’s ethical code: the police’s ethical code is made to regulate the police’s norm and moral in order to realize the better performance. In the public prosecutor’s ethical code: The public prosecutor in justice process has an authority as the public prosecutor. The public prosecutor’s ethical code regulates all conducts of public prosecutor in implementing the justice process. In the Judge’s ethical code: The judge in performing his duty should uphold the judge’s ethical code, because the judge is the role model for society.