Hubungan Partisipasi Siswa dalam Pakem dan Kemandirian Belajar dengan Ketuntasan Belajar IPS ( Studi Korelasi pada SD N 1 Pejagoan Kabupaten Kebumen Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011 )
Oleh :
Muhamad Chamdani - S810908537 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
Muhamad Chamdani. S810908537. The Correlation of the Students’ Participation in Active Creative, Effective, and Exciting Learning and Their Learning Autonomy to the Completeness of Social Science Learning (A Correlational Study at State Primary School 1 of Pejagoan, Kebumen Regency in the Academic Year of 2010/2011).
The objectives of this research are to investigate: (1) the correlation between the students’ participation in Active Creative, Effective, and Exciting Learning and the completeness of Social Science learning; (2) the correlation between the students’ learning autonomy and the completeness of Social Science learning; and (3) the correlation of the students’ participation in Active Creative, Effective, and Exciting Learning and their learning autonomy to the completeness of Social Science learning.
This research used the descriptive correlational method. Its population was all of the students of State Primary School 1 of Pejagoan, Kebumen regency in the academic year of 2009/2010. The samples of the research were 40 students, and were taken by using the cluster random sampling technique. The data of the research were gathered through questionnaire of students’ participation in Active Creative, Effective, and Exciting Learning and questionnaire of learning autonomy. Preliminarily, the number of questions of each questionnaire was 50. Following their exposure to reliability and validity tests Product moment correlation from Pearson is imployed, and the Alpha Cronbach was used, the number of questions of each questionnaire was 40. Furthermore, the data of the completeness of Social Science learning was gathered through test. Preliminarily, the number of questions of the test of the completeness of Social Learning achievement was 50. Following its exposure to reliability and validity tests Product moment correlation from Pearson is imployed, and the KR 20 was used, the number of questions of the test was 40. The collected data were then statistically analyzed by using the correlation and regression techniques of analysis.
The result of the pre-requisite test with normality test shows that the value of the variable of the students’ participation in Active Creative, Effective, and Exciting Learning is 0.808 > α (0.05); that of the variable of their learning autonomy is 0.100 > α (0.05); and that of the variable of the completeness of Social Science learning is 0.808 > α (0.05). These indicate that the data have a normal distribution. The result of linearity test shows that the regression model is linear as indicated by the value of c2count = 21.4 < c2table = 55.26, whereas the result of the independency test shows that the value of significance level (sig) is 0.000 < 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that the inter-factors are independent.
The results of the analysis show that (1) there is a positive and significant correlation between the students’ participation in Active Creative, Effective, and Exciting Learning and the completeness of Social Science learning as shown by r = 0,616 > 0.312; Based on the results of calculation of the effective variable contribution between the students’ participation in Active Creative, Effective, and Exciting Learning and the completeness of Social Science learning by 22,5% (2) there is a positive and significant correlation between the students’ learning autonomy and the completeness of Social Science learning as indicated r = 0,651 > 0.312; Based on the calculated of the effective variable contribution between the students’ learning autonomy and the completeness of Social Science learning by 31% and (3) there is a simultaneously positive and significant correlation of the students’ participation in Active Creative, Effective, and Exciting Learning and the their learning autonomy to the completeness of Social Science learning as pointed out by R = 0.731 > 0.312. Based on the results of the regression analysis, a linear equation can be made as follows: Y = 4.545 + 0.267 X1 + 0.368 X2.
Based on the results of the analysis, it can be seen that the completeness of Social Science Learning is much determined by the students’ participation in PAKEM and learning autonomy. Thus, the teachers are recommended to pay attention to the two aspects.