Improving Students’ Writing Skill By Using Mind Maps (A Classroom Action Research At The Tenth Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Boyolali In The Academic Year 2010/2011)
Oleh :
Aisyah Karimatul Fajri - X2209004 - Fak. KIP
AISYAH KARIMATUL FAJRI. X2209004. IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL BY USING MIND MAPS. (A Classroom Action Research at the Tenth Grade of SMA NEGERI 1 BOYOLALI in the Academic Year of 2010/2011). Thesis. English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty. Sebelas Maret Universitity, Surakarta. 2011. The aim of this research is to find out whether the Mind Maps can improve the students’ skill in writing personal recount text including the skill in (a) organizing the idea in chronological order (b) developing ideas (c) using correct grammar especially the use of past tense (d) using correct mechanism including the conventions of spelling, punctuation, and capitalization (e) using appropriate and acceptable arrangements of words and also expressions to strength the writing. The writer conducted a Classroom Action Research (CAR) from May 1st to May 23rd 2011 at class X2 SMA N 1 Boyolali. She conducted 2 cycles of action. Each cycle consists of four steps: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. To collect the qualitative data the writer used field notes, questionnaire and interview. To collect the quantitative data the writer conducted the tests. The tests were pre-test and post-test. To analyze the writer used Constant Comparative Method. There were five steps to analyze the qualitative data: (1) Assembling the data, (2) Coding the data (3) Comparing the data (4) Building interpretation, and (5) Reporting the outcomes. For the quantitative data, the writer analyzed the mean scores of the test to compare differences between pre-test and post-test. The result of the research shows that the students’ writing skill has been improved after the implementation of Mind Maps to teach writing. It is proven by the improvement of the students’ writing score from 73.6 to 83.6. Based on the research findings, the writer concludes that Mind Maps is effective to teach writing. Based on the result of the research, the writer suggests that the teacher should be creative in teaching writing by giving an appropriate technique to make the writing activity more interesting and to increase students’ awareness of the aspect in writing so that the students’ writing improves.
MOTTO “The only way out is getting through”