The Analysis Of Slang Words Translation In The Movie Entitled “The Rocker”
Oleh :
Oscar Margo W. - C1306019 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
2011. Thesis: Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts. Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. This is a descriptive qualitative research which focuses on the analysis of the quality of the translation in terms of accuracy and acceptability and the classification in translating subtitle in the movie “The Rocker” There are 82 data found by the researcher, dealing with the accuracy, the translation of most slang words expression in the movie entitled the rocker are accurate. Dealing with the acceptability, the translation of most slang words expressions classified into acceptable. And dealing with the classification, there are 5 classification of strategies used in translating the slang words. There are Translating slang words in SL into slang word in TL (10 data), Translating slang into common TL word (54 data), Translating by Omission (5 data), Translating by paraphrase (11data), and Translating by loan word (2 data).. In term of accuracy level, 53 data (65.63%) are accurate, 24 data (29.27 %) are less accurate, and 5 data (6.10%) are inaccurate. Dealing with acceptability, 55 data (67.07%) are acceptable, 23 data (28.05%) are less acceptable, and 4 data (4.88%) are unacceptable. In Conclusion the analysis of slang word expression in the movie entitled The Rocker is accurate and acceptable enough.