Implementing Guided Writing To Improve Students’ Writing Skill In Narrative Text (An Action Research Conducted At The Eleventh Grade Students Of Sma Negeri Colomadu In The Academic Year Of 2010/2011)
Oleh :
F. Dwike Hartanti - X2207010 - Fak. KIP
F. Dwike Hartanti. NIM X2207010. IMPLEMENTING GUIDED WRITING TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL IN NARRATIVE TEXT (An Action Research Conducted at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri Colomadu in the Academic Year of 2010/2011). Thesis, Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University, October. 2011. The objectives of this research are (1) to find out whether or not guided writing technique improve students’ writing skill; (2) to find out the description about the situation when guided writing technique is implemented in writing class. Related to the purposes of the study, the research design used in this study is action research which is conducted in two cycles of action. The subject of the study is the students of class XI IPA 4 of SMA Negeri Colomadu in the academic year of 2010/2011. There are 34 students as the subject. The action research was conducted from March to May 2011. In this research, the researcher taught writing by using guided writing technique. Guided writing techniques is defined as individual or group activity of writing process guided by the teacher where learners use model writing, direct answers to questions, word maps to organize their ideas, and language-based exercises which concentrated on vocabulary building, reading comprehension, grammar, and even oral skills that culminated in a piece of writing. The procedure of guided writing which is implemented in classroom taken from Reid that consists of model paragraph, comprehension questions, language based exercises, oral composition, and written composition. In collecting the data, the researcher uses qualitative and quantitave technique. The qualitative data are obtained from observation, interview, test analysis, and photograph. The qualitative data are supported by quantitative data that are the mean score of students’ pre test and post test on writing. In this action research, the researcher is as the teacher in teaching learning process. Meanwhile, the observer is the English teacher. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that (1) teaching writing by using guided writing technique can improve students’ writing skill. It can be viewed from the increasing of the students’ score. From the written test, the students’ pre-test mean score is 57.85, increasing to 63.59 in the first post-test and increasing to 70.06 in the final post-test; (2) the situation of the teaching and learning process becomes more enjoyable and most of the students are involved in the teaching and learning process. During the action, the researcher finds that the students have shown their improvement such as they are able to construct sentences correctly. In this case, the sentences that they have constructed are based on the researcher’s explanation and examples. They also use more vocabularies in their writing. By using picture series as the media to teach writing, the students need shorter time to generate the idea, so that they can organize the idea immediately and finish the writing in time. Therefore, it can be concluded that teaching writing by using guided writing technique can improve the students’ writing skill.