
Pengaruh Penyuluhan Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Terhadap Pengetahuan Organ Reproduksi Dan Sikap Dalam Merawatnya Pada Siswa Kelas Vii Smp Negeri 6 Surakarta

Oleh :
Diyah Paramita Nugraha - S541008018 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

DIYAH PARAMITA NUGRAHA, NIM S541008018, INFLUENCE OF ADOLESCENT REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH EDUCATION TO REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS KNOWLEDGE AND CARING ATTITUDES IN VII GRADE STUDENTS OF SMP NEGERI 6 SURAKARTA. Supervisor 1: Nunuk Suryani, Dr.., M. Pd, 2: Pancrasia Murdhani, dr., MHPEd. Thesis: Family Medical Magister Study Program, Main Interest in Health Professions Education, Post Graduate Program of Sebelas Maret University Surakarta 2011. Objectives: (1) Determine the influence of adolescent reproductive health education on knowledge of reproductive organs in VII grade students of SMP Negeri 6 Surakarta (2) Determine the influence of adolescent reproductive health education in a caring attitude towards reproductive organs in VII grade students of SMP Negeri 6 Surakarta. Research Method: Quasi-experimental type of research design using a pretest posttest control group design. The study population was VII grade students of SMP Negeri 6 Surakarta. Sampling technique using cluster sampling. Data collection techniques using closed questionnaires covering knowledge and attitudes. Technique of data analysis using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Research Result: Increasing the mean post test knowledge and attitudes after being given the adolescent reproductive health education. Knowledge on the group mean difference of 3.18 leaflet. Knowledge on the group mean difference of 2.52 lecture. Stance on the group mean difference of 6.13 leaflet. Stance on the group mean difference of 6.03 lecture. Having performed the data analysis by Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test p-value = 0.040 obtained in the post test knowledge of both the leaflets and lectures. While in the post test attitude both with leaflets and speeches obtained p-value = 0.001. This shows the influence of adolescent reproductive health education on knowledge and attitudes of reproductive organs in care with a value p <0.05. Conclusion: (1) There is the influence of adolescent reproductive health education positively to the knowledge of the reproductive organs so that adolescent reproductive health education can increase knowledge of the reproductive organs. (2) There is the influence of adolescent reproductive health education in a positive attitude in caring for the reproductive organs so that adolescent reproductive health education can improve the attitude in treating reproductive organs. Keywords: Adolescent Reproductive Health Education, reproductive organs knowledge and Caring Attitudes