
”Pengaruh Iklim Pemberdayaan Pada Kinerja Individual Dan Kepuasan Kerja Dengan Pemberdayaan Psikologis Sebagai Mediator” [Studi Pada Pegawai Negeri Sipil Tenaga Kependidikan Di Kantor Pusat Universitas Sebelas Maret]

Oleh :
Mutia Farida - F1205068 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Challenges in management have encouraged organization to implement an effective human resources development strategy. This research was an effort to examine an effect of human resources management practices. This study proposed a construct of empowerment climate, psychological empowerment, individual performance, and job satisfaction. Based on the data given to 291 civil servant employees at Central Office of Sebelas Maret University, only 163 was return. This research is quatitative research based on survey method. It was found that Empowerment Climate and Psychological Empowerment positively and significantly related with C.R.=2,577 and S.E.=0,623 at 0,010 level of significant. Psychological Empowerment also showed positively and significantly related to individual Job Performance with C.R.=4,483 and S.E. = 0,177 at 0,000 level of sigificant, and to Job Satisfaction with C.R.=4,728 and S.E.=0,198 at 0,000 level of sigificant. Structural equation modeling analysis showed that Psychological Empowerment fully mediated the relationships between Empowerment Climate and Individual Performance and Job Satisfaction with score of x2 = 447,560 significant at p<0,05, GFI=0,855; CFI=0,986; PNFI=0,737; PCFI=0,891; SMC Psychological Empowerment = 0,500; SMC Job Satisfaction = 0,355 and SMC Individual Performance = 0,357 Keywords : Empowerment Climate, Psychological Empowerment, Individual Performance, Job Satisfaction