Pengaruh Penggunaan Minyak Kelapa Sawit dan Minyak Ikan Lemuru Terproteksi dalam Ransum terhadap Kualitas Fisik Daging Sapi Simmental- Peranakan Ongole (Simpo) Jantan
Oleh :
Awal Prasetyo Nur Raharjo - H0506039 - Fak. Pertanian
The research was aimed to know the effect of protected palm oil and lemuru fish oil in diet to physical quality of meat simmental cross breed ongole cattle. The research was conducted in farmer group “SAMBI MULYO”, Jagoan, Sambi, Boyolali for five months from 12 July 2010 to 12 December 2010. The research used nine simpo males with body wight 326 Kg. The animals weel divided at random into 3 treatmenst of ransum. P0: control diet ( 40% hay fermentatoin + 60% feed staaf), P1: (40% hay fermentatoin + 57 % feed staaf + 3% protected plam oli), P2 :( 40% hay fermentatoin + 57% feed staaf + 3% protected lemuru fish oil). The parameters of the research is rate water contain, rate of fat, rate of cholesterol and sour profile of fat. The data analyze used complete randomized design (CRD) if there were any difference at saleable value mean continued with Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The meat physical Quality’s test held in the Laboratory Livestock Processing Industry, Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sebelas Maret.
The results of this study was indicated that the addition of palm oil and lemuru fish oil was protected in the ransum of 3% can not increase the value of tendensess, water holding capacity, and cooking lose but able to increase and showed that the significant (P<0,05) simmental breed ongole cattle male pH value.
Key Word : Simmental Cross Breed Ongole (Simpo), Palm Oil, Lemuru Fish Oil, Beef, Physic Quality Of Meat Saponifikation