
Analyzing Explicit Performatives Executed By The Characters In The Sequel Film Entitled Princess Diaries And Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement ( Based on Pragmatics Approach)

Oleh :
Ratih Yanuarsih - C1307055 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

Ratih Yanuarsih, C1307055. 2011. Analyzing Explicit Performatives Executed by the Characters in the Sequel Film entitled Princess Diaries and Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement. English Department, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts. Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. This research was conducted in order to analyze explicit performatives in the sequel film entitled Princess Diaries and Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement. It was conducted to find out the type of explicit performatives, the reason why the characters execute the explicit performatives, and how the characters execute explicit performatives. This research deal with Pragmatics approach. It was descriptive qualitative study and it employed purposive sampling technique as the sampling technique. The data in this research were all the dialogs containing explicit performatives which had significant relationship with the problem statements. There were 21 data found in the films. The data were classified based on Jenny Thomas’ theory and identified by using George Yule’s politeness strategies. The result of data analysis showed that there were three types of explicit performatives found in the films, namely metalinguistic performative, ritual performative, and collaborative performative. There were three reasons why the characters in these films execute explicit performatives. First, because of ritual situation. Second, because of formal situation. Third, because the speakers are sure of something and want to emphasize what they mean by their utterance to the hearers. There were also two general types of politeness strategies found in these films, namely negative and positive politeness. It was suggested to other researchers to fill the gap in analyzing explicit performative by using Searle’s theory and different data sources to make improvement in analyzing the data.