
“Pengaruh Risk Aversion Pada Brand Loyalty Yang Dimediasi Oleh Brand Trust Dan Brand Affect” (Studi Pada Konsumen Handphone Merek BlackBerry di UNS)

Oleh :
Imas Ariastuti - F1207093 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

The purpose of this study to examines the role of brand trust and brand affect in mediating the influence of risk aversion to brand loyalty. Specificaly, this study wants to examine whether risk aversion as important considering in forming the brand loyalty toward Blackberry. Survey is a method conducted to collect the data. In this study, sample consist’s 200 people who wants to be loyal toward Blackberry in Sebelas Maret university Surakarta. purposive technique is a method choosen to make easier in getting the sample. Reliablity and validity test was done to make ascertain the quality of data. Structural equation model is statistical method choosen to elaborate the linkage among of unobserved variabel. The result show that risk aversion have significant influence to brand trust, risk aversion have significant influence to brand affect, brand trust have significant influence to brand loyalty, brand affect have significant influence to brand loyalty and risk aversion have significant influence to brand loyalty. In this study, both limitation and implication are also discussed in order to give insight toward theoritical, practical and future research aspects. Keyword: brand loyalty, brand trust ,brand affect, risk aversion