
Analisis Pengaruh Variabel-Variabel Fundamental Terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan Real Estate Dan Property Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2007-2009

Oleh :
Muhammad Randhy Kurniawan - F0205113 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Purpose of the research is to know effect of fundamental variables, namely Current Ratio, Earning per Share, Return on Asset, Return on Equity, interest rate, rate of exchange, and Debt to Equity Ratio, on price of real estate and property stocks in Indonesian Exchange of 2007-2009 partially and simultaneously. In the research, fundamental variables consisting of Current Ratio, EPS, ROA, ROE, interest rate, rate of exchange and DER are assigned as independent variables. They are expected to have effect on price of real estate and property stock in Indonesia Exchange of 2007-2009. Data of the research is secondary data, namely, annual financial report obtained from ICMD of 2007-2009. Sample of the research is taken by using purposive sampling technique. By using the sampling technique, 43 real estate and property companies were taken from 49 companies registered in ICMD. Before a hypothesis testing is performed by using multiple linear regression analysis, normality and classic assumption tests are conducted as preliminary analysis. Results of the research indicated that the independent variables consisting of Current Ratio, EPS, ROA, interest rate, rate of exchange, and DER of 2007-2009 were simultaneously having a significant effect on dependent variable (price of stocks). Partially, EPS, ROA, and rate of exchange were having a positive and significant effect on the stock price. While, interest rate variable had a negative and significant effect on the stock price. Current Ratio and ROE had a negative and no significant effect, whereas DER variable had a positive and no significant effect on the stock price. Key words: Fundamental variables (Current Ratio, DER, EPS, ROA, ROE, rate of Exchange, interest rate), stock price.