Interaksi Sosial, Persepsi Terhadap Iklan Dan Persepsi Terhadap Harga Dengan Minat Beli
Oleh :
Adhityo Hendro Prabowo - D1209002 - Fak. ISIP
(Studi Korelasi Interaksi Sosial, Persepsi Terhadap iklan dan Persepsi Terhadap Harga dengan Minat Beli Produk BlackBerry di kalangan mahasiswa jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Non Reguler angkatan 2009 FISIP UNS)
ADHITYO HENDRO PRABOWO, D1209002, SOCIAL INTERACTION, ADVERTISING PERCEPTION AND PRICE PERCEPTION WITH BUYING INTEREST (Correlation of Social Interaction Study, The Advertising Perception and Price Perception with the Buying Interest on Blackberry Product among Students of 2009 Ilmu Komunikasi Non Reguler FISIP UNS.
This research were initiated from researcher anxiety of Blackberry which become global phenomenon on mobile phone industry, particularly in Indonesia. Therefore, the Telkomsel Blackberry Internet Sevice TV ads, “Eksis & Narsis” version are observe to discovered its influences toward the buying interest on Blackberry products, which being measure from social interaction, advertising perception and price perception.
Public’s buying interest toward certain products are also effected by the social interaction between friends and relatives, meanwhile the advertising appeal such as cast, plot, slogan, messages and messages reliability. And price perception are also considered to be the deciding factors on buying interest. Based on that references, this research are aim to discovered the significant correlation between social interaction, advertising perception and price perception (X) with buying interest (Y).
This is an explanatory research with correlation methods, while quisioner survey are used as an data collection technique. Population on this research are students of 2009 Ilmu Komunikasi Non Reguler FISIP UNS, who had been census through the pre survey phase and found 77 people who qualified for sample research.
Receives data are analyzed using the the Pearson formula, and Spearman’s correlation level governance formula are being applied to analyze the correlation between two variable, while the correlation of three variable analyzed by the Spearman parsial correlation rank formula with 95% trust level and 5% significance level.
Through the calculations, the results obtained by the correlation coefficient between variables X with variables Y is. Among other variables X1 social interaction with the variable Y is buying interest at 0.303 although the degree of correlationmeans that both weak, positive relationship exists between perceptions of the price by buying interest. Then the variable X2 perceptions of the ads by buying interestvariable Y is equal to -0.044 means that there is a negative relationship between the variables of perception of advertisement with buying interest. And the last is the X3 variable perceptions of the price by buying interest variable Y is equal to 0.240 even though the degree of correlation means that there are both weak positive relationship between perceptions of the price by buying interest