Improving Students’s Speaking Capability Through Optimising Skype (A Classroom Action Research at the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri Sragen Bilingual Boarding School in 2010/2011 Academic Year)
Oleh :
Gaygysyz Annabagshiyev - K2208108 - Fak. KIP
Gaygisiz Annabagshiyev. “IMPROVING STUDENT’S SPEAKING CAPABILITY THROUGH OPTIMISING SKYPE. (A Classroom Action Research at the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri Sragen Bilingual Boarding School in 2010/2011 Academic Year)”. A Thesis. Surakarta. Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Sebeleas Maret University Surakarta, 2012.
This research focuses on the implementation of Skype to improve the students’ speaking capability of the 10th year of SMS SBBS Gemolong. It is aimed at 1) identifying whether and to what extend Skype improves speaking ability; 2) analyzing the situation of class when the Skype is implied in English language teaching classes.
The writer adopts Classroom Action Research (CAR) which requires four steps, namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The object of the study is the tenth year students of SMA SBBS Gemolong which consists of 21students. In the research the qualitative data are analyzed using constant comparative method. Meanwhile, the quantitative data are analyzed using descriptive statistics. The methods of data collection are pre-test and post-test, researcher’s diaries, document, and observation. In analyzing the data, the writer analyzes and compares the students’ pre-test and post-test in form of score.
The research findings points out that Skype can improve: (1) speaking skill, and (2) classroom situation. In speaking skill the researcher finds a) students started to pay attention to the tense usage while speaking, b) looking at the dictionary every time when they get word that they don’t know how to pronounce made them careful speakers with correct pronunciation, c) by learning more new expressions students feel free to communicate fluently and meaningfully, d) the provided expressions totally changed the way to organize sentences in the mind, which are spoken after all. Such improvement is reflected by the students’ achievement. In pre test students’ mean score was 66.2, which is still above the minimum required score 60 and steadily increased in cycle one to 75.3, in cycle two up to 78, in cycle three to 78.5, and finally in post test it was 79.6. This increase shows the progress in students speaking ability. Meanwhile, concerning the classroom situation the researcher finds a) the consecration is changed instantly after introducing Skype in first Cycle. Students paid more attention with desire to learn something. b) the interest of students increased in a way that none of students even speak while explanation. c) chat with native speakers made students active in class. d) the students are much eager than before. They are interested to ask and learn about the speakers. e) interruption while asking and answering decreased into minimum degree .
To sum up, Skype can improve the students speaking ability. Based on the findings above the researcher expects that Skype can be used in other speaking classes.