An Analysis of Translation Techniques and Translation Quality of Flight Attendant Manual THESIS
Oleh :
Gerry Agustino - C0307028 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
Gerry Agustino C0307028. 2011. An Analysis of Translation Techniques and Translation Quality of Flight Attendant Manual. Thesis: English Department. Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts. Sebelas Maret University. This research focuses on the analysis of translation techniques and translation quality of Flight Attendant Manual in terms of accuracy, acceptability, and readability. The source of data in this research is the Flight Attendant Manual entitled Operation Directorate Announcement Book. The objectives of this research are to find out the translation techniques applied by the translator in translating the Flight Attendant Manual and to know the impact of translation techniques applied by the translator toward the translation quality of the Flight Attendant Manual. This research applied descriptive-qualitative method. The data were obtained by using content analysis and questionnaire. This research also used purposive sampling technique. This reseach only selected the emergency announcement as the data since this announcement is more important and influential compared to the other announcement in Flight Attendant Manual. The other data were the results of the translation quality assessments done by the informants. The translation techniques were analyzed in the level of micro unit, i.e. words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. Meanwhile, the translation quality was identified in the level of text. The research findings show that the translator applies 9 types of translation techniques. They are: (1) addition, (2) deletion, (3) borrowing, (4) established equivalence, (5) literal translation, (6) reduction, (7) modulation, (8) amplification and (9) transposition. The results of the questionnaires show that the translation of Flight Attendant Manual is less accurate, less acceptable, and less readable. According to the analysis, it can be concluded that the translation techniques applied by the translator affect the quality of the translation. It is found out that the Flight Attendant Manual should not use too much aviation term in order to produce an accurate, acceptable, and readable translation. The researcher recommends that the translator should reduce the use of borrowing technique and pay more attention in choosing the right diction to produce a qualified translation product.