An Analysis of Meanings Contained in the Translation of Conditional Sentences in Chicken Soup for the Soul and Their Translation Quality
Oleh :
Karen Yunia - C0307035 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
Karen Yunia. C0307035. An Analysis of Meanings Contained in the Translation of Conditional Sentences in Chicken Soup for the Soul and Their Translation Quality. Thesis: English Department. Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts. Sebelas Maret University. This research was conducted to analyze the kinds of meaning in the translation of conditional sentences in Chicken Soup for the Soul book and translation quality in terms of accuracy, acceptability and readability. The source of data in this research is a book entitled Chicken Soup for the Soul. The purpose of this research is to find out the meanings and quality of translation of conditional sentences. The researcher employed descriptive qualitative study. The source data were all conditional sentences in Chicken Soup for the Soul. The other data were obtained from questionnaire distributed to three raters and three respondents. The total data in the book were 46 data. The analysis on the kinds of meaning shows that there are two kinds of meaning applied in the translation of English conditional sentences into Indonesian. Three types of English conditional sentences were translated into two different kinds of meaning. The kinds of meaning are requirement meaning and supposition meaning. The findings show that there are 34 (79,06%) data contain requirement meaning and 9 (20,93%) data contain supposition meaning. Moreover, the researcher finds out there are 20 data of English conditional sentence type 1 has requirement meaning, 10 data of English conditional sentence type 2, and 4 data of English conditional sentence type 3 which have requirement meaning while there are 6 data of English conditional sentence type 2 and 3 data of English conditional sentence type 3 which have supposition meaning. The analysis on the quality of translation shows that there are 32 data (69,56%) from 46 total data are accurate, 10 data (21,73%) are less accurate, and 4 data (8,69%) are inaccurate. In terms of acceptability, the researcher finds that 37 data (80,43%) from 46 total data are acceptable, 6 data (13,04%) are less acceptable, and 3 data (6,52%) are unacceptable. In terms of readability, the researcher finds that 31 data (72,09%) from 43 total data are readable, 11 data (25,58%) are less readable, and 1 datum (2,32%) is unreadable. Most of the translations are accurate, acceptable and readable. Based on the analysis, English conditional type 1 may contain requirement meaning in its translation into Indonesian. Meanwhile, English conditional sentence type 2 should contain supposition meaning in its translation into Indonesian. Additionally, English conditional sentence type 3 must contain supposition meaning in its translation into Indonesian. In order to make an
accurate translation of conditional sentence, translators should convey appropriate adverb of time from English conditional sentence type 2 and 3 into Indonesian.