Analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pendapatan petani pada usahatani padi sawah (kasus pada gapoktan penerima puap dan bukan penerima PUAP di Kabupaten Purworejo)
Oleh :
Dhian Adam Agusta - H0307038 - Fak. Pertanian
Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pendapatan dan membandingkan pendapatan, efisiensi dan kemanfaatan antara usahatani padi sawah petani penerima dana PUAP dan usahatani padi sawah petani bukan penerima dana PUAP. Metode dasar penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analisis dan pelaksanaannya menggunakan teknik survey. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Purworejo yang meliputi Kecamatan Gebang dan Kecamatan Kemiri. Penentuan desa yang dijadikan daerah sampel dilakukan secara purposive dengan pertimbangan desa tersebut menerima bantuan dana PUAP yang mengembangkan dana untuk usahatani padi sawah dan desa yang memiliki produktifitas padi tinggi pada desa yang tidak menerima dana PUAP. Desa Rendeng dipilih mewakili desa penerima dana PUAP sedangkan Desa Kroyo Lor dipilih mewakili desa bukan penerima dana PUAP. Penentuan Gapoktan sampel dilakukan secara purposive, yaitu Gapoktan Seneng Maju di Desa Rendeng dan Gapoktan Tani Maju di Desa Kroyo Lor. Pemilihan petani sampel menggunakan metode pengambilan sampel secara purposive dan simple random sampling yang berjumlah masing-masing 15 orang setiap jenis usahatani. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah data primer dan data sekunder yang dikumpulkan dengan teknik wawancara, pencatatan dan observasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata pendapatan petani penerima dana PUAP (Rp 13.718.900,00/ha/MT) sedangkan rata-rata pendapatan petani bukan penerima dana PUAP (Rp 11.080.500,00 /ha/MT). Nilai uji perbandingan dari efisiensi menunjukkan t-hitung lebih kecil daripada t-tabel dan nilai Incremental B/C Ratio sebesar 4,41. Berdasarkan hasil analisis tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendapatan usahatani padi sawah petani bukan penerima dana PUAP lebih tinggi daripada pendapatan usahatani padi sawah petani penerima dana PUAP, efisiensi dari usahatani padi petani penerima dana PUAP lebih rendah atau sama dengan usahatani petani bukan penerima dana PUAP serta usahatani padi sawah petani penerima dana PUAP memberikan kemanfaatan daripada usahatani petani bukan penerima dana PUAP. Pengaruh dari setiap faktor menunjukkan bahwa faktor modal, harga jual, luas lahan dan Gapoktan berpengaruh nyata terhadap pendapatan petani.
The result of research that has purpose for knowing factors that influence income and compare income, efficiency and function between Group Farmers’ recipients PUAP and Group Farmers’ not receiving PUAP. The base method of this research used analysis descriptive and in implementation researcher used survey technique. This research was done in Gebang Sub district and Kemiri Sub district Purworejo Regency. The determination of sample area or sub district was done with purposive sampling with the consideration the sub district received fund of Development Agribusiness for Rural Civilize that developed the fund to prosperity the farmers of rice plant and the village that has high productivity of rice plant but did not receive fund of Development Agribusiness for Rural Civilize. Rendeng Village was chosen as representative of village that received fund Development Agribusiness for rural civilize, on the other hand Kroyo Lor Village was chosen as representative of village that did not receive fund of Development Agribusiness for Rural Civilize. The determination of sample Group Farmers’ Community (Gapoktan) was done using purposive sampling, namely Gapoktan Seneng Maju in Rendeng Village and Gapoktan Tani maju in Kroyo Lor Village. The election of farmer sample used the method taking sample with purposive sampling and simple random sampling, each of them has 15 people. The data that was used in this research are primer data and secondary data that were collected with the techniques of interview, observation and registry. The result of analysis indicate the average of income farmer Group Farmers’ recipients PUAP (Rp 13.718.900,00/ Ha/ MT) and on the other hand, the average of income farmer Group Farmers’ not receiving PUAP (Rp 11.080.500,00/Ha/MT). The value of the efficiency comparison test showed t-count is smaller than t-table and value of Incremental B/C Ratio is 4,41. According to the result of this analysis, it could be concluded the income plant rice farmer that Group Farmers’ recipients PUAP was higher than income rice plant farmer Group Farmers’ not receiving PUAP, the efficiency of rice farmer that Group Farmers’ recipients PUAP lower or equal to efficiency of rice plant farmer Group not receiving PUAP. Was besides, the farmers Group Farmers’ recipients PUAP gave advatages than farmers Group Farmers’ not receiving PUAP. The influences from each factor indicate financial capital, value stud, land area and group farmers’ have influence of the farmers’ income.