The effectiveness of using pictures in english vocabulary to the first grade student of Sd Bratan I
Oleh :
Nathalia Susan Novia - C9307059 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
Nathalia Susan Novia.2011. The Effectiveness of Using Pictures in English Vocabulary to the First Grade Student of SD Bratan I. Diploma Program, faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University. This final project report was written based on the job training in SD Bratan I Surakarta. The aim of this final project are to know the effectiveness of using pictures in English Vocabulary to the first grade student of SD Bratan I Surakarta, to describe the problems faced by the writer and students and also give the solution for the problems. The writer did some activities during the process of teaching vocabulary to the first grade students of SDN Bratan I Surakarta. The activity consists of warming up, presentation, practice, and assessment. In teaching vocabulary, the writer used the techniques of teaching vocabulary. The techniques were using real objects, using pictures, and mimes. Based on the discussion, the writer found out the problems during the process of teaching vocabulary to the first grade of SDN Bratan I Surakarta. The problems were faced not only by the writer but also the students. The problems of the students were memorizing the English word, pronouncing the words and writing in English. Meanwhile, the problems of the writer were the class size and the handling students. The writer also gave the solution to solve the difficulties. From the discussion in this final project report, the readers would know the process and the way of teaching English vocabulary to the primary level especially elementary students