
Teaching english reading using pictures to the third grade Students In Sd Islam Nahdlotul Muslimat (Ndm) Kauman

Oleh :
Weni Paryatni - C9307163 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

Teaching English Reading Using Pictures to Third Grade Students in SD Islam Nahdlotul Muslimat (NDM) Kauman. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, UNS. This final project is written based on the job training which has been done by the writer in SD Islam Nahdlotul Muslimat (NDM) Kauman. The purpose of this final project is to describe the effectiveness of teaching English reading using pictures to third grade students in SD Islam NDM Kauman. Teaching activity consisted of greeting, reviewing, warming up, material presentation, and exercising. The effectiveness of reading using pictures were first, picture helped the teacher to make students interested in the English lesson. Second, picture helped the teacher to attract students. Third, picture helped the students to focus on the material. Fourth, picture helped the students to understand the material.