Studi kelayakan pengembangan biogas kotoran sapi sebagai energi alternatif ramah lingkungan di kabupaten Ngawi (studi kelayakan di Kecamatan Ngawi)
Oleh :
Joko Pitoyo - S4210036 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
Implementation of integrated poultry system with biogas technology approach is one of efficient technology for poultry’s waste treatment. The technology is using available natural microorganism to compose and process various organic matters on anaerobe condition. This will produce methane gas (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) and qualified liquid and solid organic manure. The methane gas (CH4) can be use as gas fuel (BBG). Biogas production may contribute to sustainable agriculture as renewable resources and environmental friendly.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the development of cow manure biogas as an alternative green energy. In particular, this study aims to (a) Knowing the proper installation of biogas reactor was developed, judging from the technical aspect, the aspect of raw materials, market aspects, managerial aspects, environmental aspects and legal, and financial aspects, (b) Determine the development strategy of the reactor installation biogas biogas for farmers.
Location studies conducted in the District of Ngawi for three months is June to August 2011. The method of analysis used in this study is a qualitative descriptive analysis, financial analysis and SWOT analysis to determine the strategies that need to be developed for farmers biogas.
Wastewater treatment plant (biogas reactor) made of fiberglass and plastic deserve to be developed in the District of Ngawi compared with the reactor of cement, water tank and drums. The results of financial analysis with an interest rate of 18 percent shows the installation of fiberglass and plastic biogas feasible to be implemented and developed. Alternative development policy biogas installations that can be done is (a) Improve productivity, (b) Expanding and strengthening the marketing network of networks among farmers biogas, (c) Retain and maintain the quality of the products remains good, (d) Promoting the way of promotion of biogas as elternatif energy and environment-friendly organic fertilizer.