Internal communication media of dr. Moewardi hospital
Oleh :
Mahatma Agung Pribadi - C9308044 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This final project report is written based on the job training done at Dr.
Moewardi Hospital within a month from 28
March – 23
April in Public
Relations Division and Marketing Division. The writer did some activities like
being a telephone operator , being a customer service representative in the sub
division of information which was a sub part of the Public Relations Division,
being part of Team Marketing Division and gaining the information reported in
this report.
The objectives of this report are to evaluate the internal communication
media of Dr. Moewardi Hospital based on the existing condition and to propose
the internal communications media plan for Dr. Moewardi Hospital. The internal
communication at Dr. Moewardi Hospital has not been running quite well because
of lack of clarity of the job description between the Division of Marketing and
Public Relations Division. Therefore, one function of public relations as liaison
media to internal communication cannot be executed well or there is not a clear
program of both divisions.
The writer also proposes internal communication media that include house
journal (magazine format and bulletin board), community radio, seminars and
conferences. Media plans and strategies which are more diverse in Dr. Moewardi
Hospital hopefully can improve the internal communication and make it better for
the progress and development of Dr. Moewardi Hospital.
Hopefully, this final project report can be a reference for Dr. Moewardi
Hospital to have official job descriptions, to apply Public Relations tools
maximally and to maintain better communication with its internal public