Communication channels in the local house of representative of Surakarta
Oleh :
Tini Ningsih - C9308065 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This final project report is written based on the job training done at the
Local House of Representative of Surakarta within a month in Public Relations
and Protocol Division.
The writer did some jobs with the Public Relations Practitioners of the
Local House of Representative of Surakarta by helping them in finishing their job
like clipping news, attending the meeting and greeting the guest from other local
The objectives of this report are to evaluate the communication channels in
The Local House of Representative of Surakarta and to propose the improvement
in the existing communication channels in the Local House of Representative of
Surakarta (Media Relations). The media relations in the Local House of
Representative of Surakarta is less effective, because the other channels (internet),
it is not used properly . On part of press reception the writer propose to improve
the facilities to the journalists and invite more media. On the part of internat the
writer propose to improve the usa of facebook and make use of blog and twitter.
Hopefully, this final project report can be a reference for the Public
Relations and Protocol Division of The Local House of Representative of
Surakarta to increase their quality to do their jobs.