
Teaching english pronunciation to the 4 th grade of elementary school in SD Islam Sunan Kalijaga Surakarta

Oleh :
Elvera Nurin Prastika - C9308022 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This final project is written based on the writer’s job training activities as an English teacher in SD Islam Sunan Kalijaga Surakarta. The purposes were to know and to understand the process of teaching and learning English in SD Islam Sunan Kalijaga Surakarta, including the difficulties during the process, and the solution for those problems. By observing the class and teaching directly at the 4 th grade class, the writer could write the final project completely. There were some problems during English teaching and learning activities for the 4 th grade students in SD Islam Sunan Kalijaga Surakarta. The problems faced by the students were difficult to pronoun the words, memorize the words, uncooperative students, the students were not confidence. The problems faced by the teacher were handling the uncooperative the students in teaching and learning processes. The writer also presented the solution to solve those problems.