
The SWOT Analysis of Mandiri Tour and Travel

Oleh :
Zulfikar Galih Kurniawan - C9308075 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This project report is composed based on my job training experience done in Mandiri Tour and Travel for two months. The writer has learned and observed about the management of Mandiri Tour and Travel. Mandiri Tour and Travel provides products and services. It has two kinds of product and service including tourism product and non tourism product. Tourism product contained ticketing services, tour package, and hotel voucher services. While non tourism product consisted of travel document services and other services including car rental, tourism consultant, and Payment of electricity bill, telephone, internet, and hand phone balance. The writer also attempts to do another examination about the performance of Mandiri Tour and Travel by identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats or also known as SWOT Analysis. Based on the analysis, the agency has (1) four strengths including the agency has strategic location, a lot of services, excellent in giving service to the customer, and many official partners, (2) four weaknesses including the agency has only two staffs, small space, inadequate facilities, and does not have marketing division, (3) two opportunities including the agency can be a reseller agency and very popular in University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, (4) and three threats including People might tend to find the agency with many facilities and human resources, Mandiri Tour and Travel will have seasonal customer, and Disturbing beggar leads to inconvenience of the customer. The overall performance of Mandiri Tour and Travel is quite good but there is some aspect that the agency should pay more attention. Hopefully, this final project can be a reference for Mandiri Tour and Travel to improve their management.