
Eksperimentasi model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe teams games tournament (TGT) dan numbered head together (NHT)pada materi operasi bentuk aljabar ditinjau dari kemampuan numerik siswa kelas VII SMP Kabupaten Karanganyar tahun pelajaran 2011/2012

Oleh :
Ari Lestari Mulyaningsih - S8510080 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1). Mengetahui apakah hasil prestasi belajar matematika siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran dengan model kooperatif tipe TGT lebih baik dibandingkan dengan prestasi siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran tipe NHT pada materi operasi bentuk aljabar. (2) Mengetahui apakah hasil prestasi belajar matematika bagi siswa yang mempunyai tingkat kemampuan numerik lebih tinggi, lebih baik dibandingkan dengan prestasi siswa yang mempunyai tingkat kemampuan numerik dibawahnya. (3) Mengetahui manakah di antara penggunaan model pembelajaran tipe TGT dan NHT yang memberikan prestasi belajar matematika lebih baik pada siswa yang mempunyai kemampuan numerik tinggi. (4) Mengetahui manakah di antara penggunaan model pembelajaran tipe TGT dan NHT yang memberikan prestasi belajar matematika lebih baik pada siswa yang mempunyai kemampuan numerik sedang. (5) Mengetahui manakah di antara penggunaan model pembelajaran tipe TGT dan NHT yang memberikan prestasi belajar matematika lebih baik pada siswa yang mempunyai kemampuan numerik rendah. Penelitian dilakukan di Kranganyar tahun pelajaran 2011/2012. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara Cluster random sampling dengan sampel penelitian adalah siswa-siswa dari SMPN 3 Karanganyar dan SMPN 4 Karanganyar dan SMPN 2 Tasikmadu yang masing-masing terdiri dari satu kelas sebagai sampel kelas pembelajaran dengan model Team Games Tournament (TGT) dan satu kelas sebagai sampel kelas pembelajaran dengan model Numbered Head Together (NHT). Banyak anggota sampel seluruhnya adalah 196 siswa. Uji coba instrumen prestasi belajar matematika dilakukan di SMPN 2 Karanganyar dengan banyak responden 76 siswa. Hasil uji coba 40 butir soal instrumen tes dengan metode KR-20 menunjukkan bahwa besarnya indek reliabilitasnya = 0,9. Pengujian keseimbangan kemampuan awal menggunakan uji-t yang sebelumnya dilakukan uji prasyarat yaitu uji normalitas dengan uji liliefors, uji homogenitas dengan uji Bartlett dan uji-F. Hasil uji kemampuan awal menunjuk bahwa sampel berdistribusi normal, berasal dari populasi yang homogen dan mempunyai rerata yang sama. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan anava dua jalan dengan sel tak sama, dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05 yang sebelumnya dilakukan uji prasyarat yaitu uji normalitas dengan uji liliefors, uji homogenitas dengan uji Bartlett. Hasil uji prestasi menunjuk bahwa sampel berdistribusi normal, dan juga berasal dari populasi yang homogen. Hasil uji anava menunjukkan (1) HoA diterima yang berarti tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara model pembelajaran Team Games Tournament (TGT) dan Numbered Head Together (NHT) terhadap prestasi belajar (2) HoB ditolak yang berarti terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara siswa dengan kategori kemampuan numerik tinggi, sedang, dan rendah terhadap prestasi belajar (3) HoAB ditolak yang berarti terdapat interaksi yang signifikan antara penggunaan model pembelajaran dan kategori tes kemampuan numerik Pengujian pasca anava menggunakan uji Scheffe’. Hasil komparasi ganda antar kolom (1) F.1-.2 ditolak, yang berarti bahwa rerata siswa kategori tinggi lebih baik dari rerata siswa kategori sedang, (2) F.2-.3 ditolak, yang berarti bahwa rerata siswa kategori sedang lebih tinggi dari rerata siswa kategori rendah, dan (3) F.1-.3 ditolak, yang beararti bahwa rerata siswa kategori tinggi lebih tinggi dari rerata siswa kategori rendah. Berdasarkan uraian di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari model pembelajaran Team Games Tournament (TGT) dan pembelajaran Numbered Head Together (NHT) terhadap prestasi belajar matematika. Prestasi belajar matematika siswa yang diajar dengan pembelajaran kooperatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan prestasi belajar matematika kelompok siswa yang diajar dengan pembelajaran langsung baik secara umum maupun ditinjau dari masing-masing kategori tes kemampuan verbal. (2) Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara kategori tes kemampuan verbal terhadap prestasi belajar matematika. Setelah dilakukan uji lanjut dan dengan memperhatikan reratanya dapat disimpulkan bahwa kategori tinggi dan sedang menghasilkan prestasi yang lebih baik dari kategori rendah, kategori tinggi menghasikan prestasi yang sama dengan kategori sedang. (3) Perbedaan prestasi belajar himpunan dari masing- masing model pembelajaran konsisten pada masing-masing kategori tes bakat-minat dan perbedaan prestasi belajar himpunan dari masing-masing kategori tes kemampuan verbal konsisten pada masing-masing model pembelajaran. This research is having aim to find out: (1) which one is between using direct instruction and cooperative learning that give learning achievement better; (2) whether students who were categorized as high verbal ability had better achievement than those who were categorized as medium verbal ability , and whether students who were categorized as medium verbal ability had better achievement than those who were categorized as low verbal ability; (3) whether the difference of learning achievement from each category verbal ability test was consistent on the difference of learning ac achievement from each learning model, and whether the difference of the learning achievement from each learning model was consistent on the difference of learning achievement from each category of verbal ability. This research was carried out in Sragen term 2008/2009. Samples of the research were obtained by using cluster random sampling technique; and the samples were drawn from the students of SMPN 2 Gemolong and SMPN 2 Mondokan which each having one class as the sample of direct instruction class and cooperative learning class. The total amount of students was 160 students. The instrument of the research was analytically tested to 80 respondents of SMPN 1 Miri students. The result of the 35 problems of instrument test by using KR-20 method showed that the reliability index was 0.8457. The balance test of the prior ability were carried out by using T- test which before the pre-requisite test was done first, those were the normality test by using Lilliefors test, homogeneity test by using Bartlett test and F-test were done. The result of the prior ability test showed that the samples had normal population distribution; and the samples were from the homogenous population and had the same average. Hypothesis of the research were tested by using two way Analysis of Variants (ANOVA) with an unequal cell at the significance level of 0.05 which before was done the pre-requisite test those are the normality test by using Lilliefors test, homogeneity test by using Bartlett test. The result of the pre-requisite test showed that the samples had normal population distribution; and the samples were from the homogenous population. The result of the ANOVA showed: (1) H0(A) was rejected; it meant that there was a significant influence between cooperative learning and direct instruction toward learning achievement; (2) HO(B) was rejected; it meant that there was a significant influence between students who were categorized high, medium, and low from the verbal ability test toward learning achievement; (3) HO(AB) was accepted; it meant there was no significant interaction between the using of the learning model and the category of verbal ability test. The post ANOVA test was using Scheffe’ test. The result of doubled comparison between columns (1) F.1-2 was accepted, it meant that the average of students having high category were the same average with students having medium category; (2) F.2.3 was rejected, it meant that the average of students having medium category were higher than those students having low category; (3) F.1.3 was rejected, it meant that the average students having high category was higher than those students having low category. Based on above result of research analysis, the conclusions were drawn as follows: 1) There was significant influence from direct instruction and cooperative learning toward the achievements of learning mathematics. A group of students which was taught by using cooperative learning was higher than that which was taught by using direct instruction both viewed from general and viewed from each level category proposed by the verbal ability test 2) There was significant influence between each category proposed by verbal ability test toward the achievement of learning mathematic. After the advance test was done with the focus of the average, it was concluded that the high category and medium category were having better result than those students who were categorized low category, students who were categorized high had the same achievement with those students who ere categorized medium. 3) The difference of learning achievement from each category proposed by the verbal ability test was consistent on the difference of each learning model and whether the difference of the learning achievement from each learning model was consistent on the difference of learning achievement from each category of verbal ability test.