
The activities of the apprentice in housekeeping department in improving services quality at Ibis Hotel Solo

Oleh :
Wahyu Handoko - C9307089 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

The Activities of Apprentice in HousekeepingDepartment in Improving Services Quality at Ibis Hotel Solo. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University. This final project is written based on the job training which has done in Ibis Hotel Solo. This report discusses the process of job training in housekeeping department, and also the encountered problem accompanied with the solution. The activities the apprentice has done were serving the guest doing exercise in In Balance Fitness Center and also maintaining the fitness stuff. In laundry section, the apprentice should handle laundry, such as towel, curtain, sheets, pillow case, duvee, employee uniform, napkin, and guests’ laundry. When the apprentice was placed in room section, the apprentice regularly made up occupied or vacant room. There are many problems appearing during the job training process such overlapping tasks, unharmonious relationship, sex harassment, unqualified trainer, and bad job safety. To overcome those problems, the apprentice gives several solutions and suggestions to improve the quality of service in housekeeping department. To solve overlapping tasks problem, the apprentice works cooperatively with others trainee and shares the job evenly. Dealing with unharmonious relationship issue, the apprentice tries to change the employees’ negative view toward the apprentice by giving an optimal result in working and tries to establish a good communication to them. Because of sex harassment, the apprentice tries to refuse politely by saying sorry without telling bad. Unqualified trainer worsened the situation by neglecting his duty. The apprentice had to ask further information to the seniors. To overcome bad job safety, the apprentice prepare him self with first aid kid from home.