Optimizing animation video and guided writing technique to enhance students’ writing skill of narrative text
Oleh :
Cherissa Jeihan - K2207015 - Fak. KIP
Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University. 2011.
This thesis aims to (1) describe whether and to what extent the use of
Guided Writing technique which is combined with animation videos as the teaching
media can improve the students’ writing skill of narrative text; and (2) describe the
class situation when Guided Writing technique and animation videos are
implemented in the writing class.
The method used in this research is a collaborative action research. It is
conducted collaboratively with English teacher of SMA Negeri 4 Madiun (teacher
MH). The research was conducted from July 21st until September 30th 2011 at class
XI IPA 3 of SMA Negeri 4 Madiun. The research is conducted in two cycles, in
which there are 6 meetings in the first cycle and 2 meetings in the second cycle.
Every cycle consists of four steps: planning, implementing, observation, and
reflection. The research data are collected by using techniques of observation,
interview, diary review, document analysis, questionnaire, and test (pre-test and posttest).
The data are analyzed through descriptive analysis which consists of
assembling the data, coding the data, comparing the data, building interpretation, and
reporting the outcomes for the qualitative data and descriptive statistics for the
quantitative data.
The research findings show that Guided Writing and animation video can
improve: (1) students’ writing skill of narrative text and (2) classroom situation.
Related to the improvement of (1), it includes: (a) the students are able to write
narrative text in better detail of the story and longer paragraph; (b) the students are
able to organize the text better and it can be smoothly followed; (c) the students are
better in grammatical aspects; (d) the students are able to use better choices of words
which are easier to be understood; (e) the students are able to performs better writing
mechanics. Meanwhile, concerning on the improvement of (2), it involves: (a) the
students do their task eagerly and write enthusiatically; (b) the students are more
active and they try to get involve in the classroom activity; and (3) the students are
more focus and able to finish their writings in time. It can be concluded that the
implementation of Guided Writing and animation video can improve the students’
writing skill of narrative and the situation in writing class.
Guided Writing technique combined with the use of animation video as the
teaching media is an alternative teaching technique that benefits both for the
students’ achievement and for the students’ learning motivation. Based on such
findings as presented above, the researcher expects that Guided Writing and
animation video can be applied in teaching other writing types.