
An analysis of slang words used by the characters in “Ramona and Beezus” movie (sociolinguistics approach)

Oleh :
Lastika Ary Prihandoko - C1307046 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This research is conducted to investigate the types of slang and the slang function in the movie entitled Ramona and Bezuss movie. Generally people think that American slang is dominantly used by teenager or black society. Therefore, it is interesting to conduct slang research on ordinary American family since they are part of American people. I use descriptive-qualitative method in conducting the research. Meanwhile, sociolinguistics is applied as the frame of study. The source of the data is obtained from the dialogue script of this movie. The data are taken by applying total sampling technique. Based on the total sampling technique, I obtain one hundred and seventy nine slang data. In conducting the research, I find two findings. The first finding is the slang type. There are 5 types of slang employed by the characters in Ramona and Bezuss movie. The types of slang words are fresh and creative, flippant, imitative, acronym, and clipping. Meanwhile, the second finding is the slang functions of the use of slang. There are seven different slang functions in this movie. They are to address, to form intimate atmosphere, to initiate relax conversation, to show impression, to show intimacy, to reveal anger, and to humiliate. This research is expected to give better knowledge about American slang and better understanding about slang terms. In addition, I expect the students of English Department who is interested in slang research to use this research as a reference. I also expect the other students are capable to develop slang research further to enrich knowledge about slang words since slang is widely use in English language nowadays.