
Pembelajaran sejarah lokal di SMA Negeri 1 Blora

Oleh :
Sarno - S8610080 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) Mendeskripsikan pembelajaran sejarah lokal Saminisme di SMAN 1 Blora. (2) Mendeskripsikan manajemen perencanaan, pengorganisasian, dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran sejarah lokal Saminisme di SMAN 1 Blora. (3) Mendeskripsikan hasil dan dampak pembelajaran sejarah lokal Saminisme di SMAN 1 Blora. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif studi kasus tunggal bersifat terpancang, karena fokus penelitian ini telah dirumuskan sebelum penelitian dilaksanakan dan variabel-variabelnya sudah ditentukan, sudah terarah pada batasan dan fokusnya pada pembelajaran sejarah lokal. Lokasi penelitian di SMAN 1 Blora, sedangkan subyek penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah, guru sejarah, dan peserta didik. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumen. Teknik cuplikan menggunakan purposive sampling. Untuk menguji validitas data menggunakan trianggulasi sumber dan analisis data menggunakan analisis model interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Paradigma mengajar guru sejarah telah melaksanakan kurikulum KTSP dengan pembelajaran guru tunggal dan tujuan pembelajaran sejarah lokal Saminisme dapat tercapai. (2) Perencanaan pembelajaran sejarah lokal Saminisme sudah dilaksanakan dengan baik, karena semua guru yang mengajar sejarah memang berlatar belakang pendidikan sejarah sehingga berhasil menanamkan nilai-nilai Saminisme kepada peserta didik. (3) Hasil pembelajaran sejarah lokal Saminisme dapat membuat anak tertarik untuk lebih memahami tentang nilai-nilai yang terkandung didalam ajaran Saminisme. Peneliti menyarankan perlunya guru sejarah untuk membuat buku khusus tentang ajaran Saminisme yang digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar. Tetapi jika guru mengalami kesulitan, MGMP perlu bersama-sama membuat buku pegangan mengajar tentang ajaran Saminisme. Sehingga ajaran Saminisme yang berisi tentang etika perilaku dalam pergaulan seperti kejujuran, tolong-menolong, kerja keras, dan bekerja sama dapat dilestarikan dan diteladani oleh peserta didik dimasa-masa yang akan datang tidak lapuk oleh arus globalisasi. The aims of the research are to describe : (1) the Saminisme local history instruction at State Senior High School 1 of Blora; (2) the planning, organizational, and implementing management of the Saminism local history instruction at State Senior High School 1 of Blora; and (3) the results and impacts of the Saminism local history instruction at State Senior High School 1 of Blora. This research used a descriptive qualitative approach of a single embedded case study and research because their focus were formulated prior to their execution and the variables have been decided and directed to the definition and focus of the local history instruction. It was conducted at State Senior High School 1 of Blora. The subjects of the research covered the principal, vice-principal, history teachers, and the students. Its data were gathered through in-depth interview, observation, and content analysis (documentation), and its samples were taken by using a purposive sampling technique. Their validity was tested by using a source triangulation and the data were then analyzed by using an interactive model of analysis. The results of the research show that (1) The history teachers’ instructional paradigms have implemented the curriculum of KTSP with a single teacher-based instruction and the aims of the Saminism local history instruction can be gained. (2) The planning of the Saminism local history instruction has been implemented well because all of the teachers who teach history have the educational background of history education so it succeeded to implant the Saminism values to the students. (3) The result of the Saminism local history instruction can attract the students to understand further values in the Saminism theory. Based on the results of the research, some recommendations are proposed by the writer. History teachers should be organized to write particular book about the Saminism theory which will be used in the teaching learning proces. However, if the teachers find some difficulties in writing it, MGMP should write it together. As the result, the Saminism theory which contained etiquette how to behave in the social life; such as honesty, helping each other, hard working and cooperation will be continued and followed by the students and will not disappear by the influence of the globalization current.