Improving The Students’ Writing Ability In Recount Text Using Questioning Strategies (A Classroom Action Research At The Eighth Grade Students Of Smp Negeri 27 Surakarta In The Academic Year Of 2010/2011)
Oleh :
Prihatanti Budi Astuti - S890908127 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
The objectives of the research are to describe whether questioning strategy can improve students’ writing ability in constructing recount texts at class VIIIA SMPN 27 Surakarta, and to describe the class situation when questioning strategy is applied in the writing class. The preliminary research showed that the students had problems in writing elements such as organization, content, grammar, punctuations, and vocabulary. They also had low motivation in learning writing.
The research was done in SMP Negeri 27 Surakarta from July 2010 – December 2010. The subject of the study was the students of the VIII A grade of SMP Negeri 27 Surakarta consisting 40 students. It was a classroom action research. The researcher did some steps for each cycle. They were planning, action, observation, and reflection.
In result, questioning strategy can be implemented in teaching writing effectively. The students’ writing ability improved in organization, content, grammar, punctuations, and vocabulary. This improvement influenced their scores from cycle to cycle The mean score of post test I is 59.8, and the mean score of post test II is 67.1. For that reason, questioning strategy was able to stimulate students to write well. In conclusion questioning strategy is able to improve students’ writing ability. The students were also able to construct sentences meaningfully, could explore the topic given into well-organized text, improved in vocabulary, understood grammar better, and got better in punctuation of writing. Questioning strategy can also improve the class situation in terms of: (1) The students’ interest toward the material increased; (2) Questioning Strategy improved the students’ active participation in writing class, and (3) Questioning Strategy is useful for workgroup and independent activities.