
Methods Used In Teaching English to the Fifth Grade Students in SD N 3 Babadan Sambi Boyolali

Oleh :
Happy Purnamasari - C9308101 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This final project report was written based on the job training done by the writer in SD N 3 Babadan Sambi Boyolali. The objectives were to describe the methods used in teaching English to the fifth grade students and to explain the difficulties encountered by the writer in applying those methods. During the job training, the writer taught English to the fifth grade students by using some methods, they were grammar translation method, direct method, and communicative approach. The writer used grammar translation method to teach reading and writing skills because by using this method, the students will be easy to understand the material because they were taught by using bilingual language and they were allowed to speak in their mother tongue. The direct method was used to teach vocabulary and to teach listening and speaking to the students. This method was useful because it helps students to habituate their tongue in spelling English words. The communicative approach was used to improve student’s capability in English conversation. In applying those methods, the writer found some difficulties. When applying grammar translation method, the writer found it difficult to teach grammar to the students because the students of this class were still hard to understand the grammar rules. To solve the problem, the writer gave more examples and exercises to the students. In applying direct method, the writer found difficulties because the writer’s pronunciation was still not good enough. So, the writer tried hard to pronounce the words clearly, and sometimes the writer used pictures to help the students understand the vocabularies. In applying communicative approach, the writer found it difficult to improve student’s confidence when they were asked to practice the dialogues in front of the class. So, the writer tried to give some gifts to the students who dare themselves to practice the dialogues.