
Teaching English Vocabulary to the 3rd Graders of SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu, Karanganyar

Oleh :
Farida Intan Hastuti - C9308098 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This final project report was written based on the job training in SD Negeri Gawanan 01 Colomadu. The objectives were to describe the process of teaching English vocabulary, to investigate the problems, and to find the solutions to the problems. During the job training, the writer applied some procedures in order to make the teaching of English vocabulary more effective and meaningful. The procedures of teaching English vocabulary to the 3rd grade students of SD Negeri GAWANAN 01 Colomadu consist of some steps, they are: greeting, warming up, explanation, exercises, assessment, and ending the lesson. There were some problems encounterd by the students. The problems of the students were students’ behavior which was noisy, students’ pronunciation, and their low-writing capability. The writer also presented the solutions to solve the problems, i.e. attracting their attention by giving them more exercises and asking them to keep quiet, making them more active by having more exercises on pronunciation with the writer, and making the students be able to write English vocabulary correctly.