Oleh :
Sischa Yuli Hartanti - R0009090 - Fak. Kedokteran
Tujuan :PT. Komatsu Indonesia merupakan suatu perusahaan alat berat yang
merakit dan memproduksi alat-alat berat yang mempunyai tingkat risiko kecelakaan
tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui tentang Identifikasi Bahaya, Penilaian
Risiko dan Pengendalian Bahaya di Section Finishing PT. Komatsu Indonesia sebagai
upaya pengendalian kecelakaan kerja.
Metode : Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif yang
mana menggambarkan proses produksi di section finishong foundry plantII PT.
Komatsu Indonesia dengan memperhatikan segala aktivitas di section finishing
sehingga dapat dianalisa potensi-potensi bahaya yang ada. Pengambilan data tentang
identifikasi bahaya dan penilaian risiko dilakukan melalui observasi langsung ke
lapangan dan wawancara langsung dengan para tenaga kerja yang ada di section
finishingserta studi kepustakaan.
Hasil : Dari hasil yang diperoleh diketahui bahwa tingkat bahaya tinggi (high)
meliputi (pekerjaan yang menghasilkan suara bising tinggi yaitu pekerjaan
transportasi material dengan crane/material handling, riser cutting, gouging, proses
heat treatmentdengan metode annealing, dengan metode normalizingdan pada
proses descalling shot blast, paparan bising dan paparan debu/asap yang meliputi
proses riser cutting, menggerinda dan proses painting). Tingkat bahaya sedang
(medium) meliputi (pekerjaan memasang sling pada material,pengecekan dengan MT
check, heat treatmentdengan metode quenchingdan metode tempering). Tingkat
bahaya rendah (low) meliputi (pekerjaan heat treatmentdengan metode annealing,
quenchingdan tempering).
Simpulan : Perusahaan telah melaksanakan identifikasi bahaya dan penilaian risiko
serta menentukan langkah pengendaliannya sehingga dapat mencegah terjadinya
kecelakaan di section finishingsesuai dengan Permenaker No. PER-05/MEN/1996
tentang Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja.
Objective: PT. Komatsu Indonesia was a heavy instrument company assembling and
producing heaving instrument with high risk level of accident. The objective of
research was to find out the Risk Identification, Risk Assessment, and Danger
Control in Finishing Section of PT. Komatsu Indonesia as the attempt of controlling
work accident.
Method: This study was conducted using a descriptive method that described the
production process in finishing sectionof foundry plant II of PT. Komatsu
Indonesia by taking into account all activities in finishing section so that the
existing danger potentials could be analyzed. The collection of data about danger
identification and risk assessment was conducted through direct observation in the
field and direct interview with the workers in finishing section as well as library
Result: From the result of research, it could be found that the high danger level
included (the work resulting in highly noisy sound such as material transportation
work with crane/material handling, riser cutting, gouging, heat treatment process
with annealing method, with normalizing method and in descalling shot blast
process, the noise and dust/smoke exposition included riser cutting, grinding and
painting processes). The medium danger level included (the work of assembling
sling to the material, checking with MT check, heattreatment with quenching and
tempering methods). The low danger level included (the heat treatment work with
annealing, quenching and tempering methods).
Conclusion: The company had implemented danger identificationand risk
assessment as well as decided the control measure so that it could prevent the
accident from occurring in finishing section consistent with Permenaker (Labor
Minister’s Regulation) No. Per-05/MEN/1996 about Work Safety and Health
Management System.