The Pastry Section Activities in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo
Oleh :
Roby Wijaya - C9307077 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This final project report is based on the job training activities in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo from 15 February to 15May 2010. The objectives of this final project report are to know and to describe the job description and the duties of the pastry section in providing service to the guest which includes its problem and solution.
The job description consists of three working shifts: morning, afternoon, and night shift. I found some problems during my acquaintance with the senior staff. The problems are the different capability among the staffs and the distant relationship among the staffs.
The strategies to solve the problems are making note every day as a way to improve the ability, holding and joining the social meeting among the staffs to stimulate the good relationship among the staff in working.
Those activities have purposes to maintain the quality of the service and the products of the pastry section.