
Budidaya Tanaman Wortel (Daucus carota L.) di Kebun Benih Hortikultura (KBH) Tawangmangu

Oleh :
Gigih Wahyu K - H3309005 - Fak. Pertanian

2012. The problems are examined in duty the end of this is the Cultivation of the Carrot Plant in KBH Tawangmangu.The cultivation of the carrot plant s the plant vegetables are grown throughout the year.The development of the cultivation of the carrot plant own in Indonesia have a good prospect to support efforts to increase the income of farmers,The expansion of land employment, agribusiness development And enhancement of the state revenues through the reduction of import and export growth rate, a spur For example, to the Hongkong Singapore, and Malaysia. It was because farmland in these countries was further diminished as the rise of industry. The activity of an apprentice on Kebun Seed Horticulture (KBH) Tawangmangu started from February to March. In KBH herself is still bound with ties dept. of so her name often changed ranging from “Kebun Kismo” effort then in dressing “jawatan business” peasantry and from year to year finally in dressing again with the garden seed horticulture. In KBH many produce the seeds of which need the public good of commodities, such fruits as the orange with the bananas, and kelengkeng. As potato, vegetables of carrots, garlic, the cabbage, an ornamental plant anthurium, a like kind anggrek, jendron. In KBH has an area of land 3.3 ha and which was above 2,2 ha. A type of soil in kbh is andosol that is, land the land is congealed structures. In KBH own learn about the cultivation of the carrot plant. Carrot seed is commodities in KBH Tawangmangu in been striving for throughout the year. The cultivation of the carrot plant in KBH Tawangmangu covering of land management, the creation of seed, planting, irrigation, penjarangan, a weeding and pendangiran, manuring, pest and disease as well as the harvesting and after harvest Keyword: KBH, Carrot