American Folk Music As Protest Music In Conor Oberst’s Songs
Oleh :
Ferrial Pondrafi - C0306030 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
The popularity of folk music as protest music declines in the 21st century.
However, the ideology of protest music is still preserved by folk musician
although it is not popular anymore. This research is conducted to explain the social
protest songs written and played by Conor Oberst as the new generation of folk
musician. This research is conducted in American Studies framework, thus, this
research incorporates various theories and approaches to analyze the song. Those
are semiotic approach which is applied to know the secondary meaning on the
lyric, music basic theory to know the emotion of the song that support the lyric,
and socio-cultural approach which is used to know the social condition reflected
on the song. These theories and approaches are applied to answer the research
question and fulfill the research objective which is to know how Conor Oberst
expresses the social protest theme through his songs. This research is a descriptive
qualitative research that takes the songs from Conor Oberst as the source of data.
The primary data consists of word choices and musical elements from the songs. It
is supported with secondary data consisted of journal articles, books, and other
related references. After conducting this research, it is found that the ideology of folk music as
protest music is still preserved, although the style of folk music itself has changed.
The ideology of folk music as the medium to express anger, fear, and hope still
can be found from Conor Oberst’s works. Moreover, folk music as the medium to
mourn certain issues and change public opinion through the lyric is preserved very
well also. This is the ideology that was used by senior folk musicians on their
generation. This similarity indicates that the ideology of folk music as protest
music is still alive until now although the popularity of folk music has declined.