Oleh :
Arina Rohmatika - S89100800 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
This research is aimed at finding out whether (1) process approach is more
effective than product approach in teaching writing for the eighth grade students of
SMP Terpadu Ponorogo; (2) the eighth grade students of SMP Terpadu Ponorogo
having high creativity have better writing skill than those having low creativity; and
(3) there is interaction between teaching approaches and students’ creativity to teach
The method applied in this research was experimental Study. The research
was conducted at SMP Terpadu in the academic year of 2011/2012. The population
of the research is the eighth grade students of SMP Terpadu Ponorogo. Two samples
were taken by using cluster random sampling technique. The class Darwin was used
as the experimental class and class Pascal as the control class. Each of classes
consists of 28 students. In collecting the data, several steps were applied: (1) giving
creativity test to know students’ degree of creativity; (2) conducting teaching
approaches to the students; (3) carrying out post test (4) analyzing the students’
writing skills. The data were obtained from creativity test and writing test.
Furthermore, to analyze the data, the researcher applied descriptive and inferential
statistics using ANOVA and Tukey’s test.
The result of the research findings leads to the conclusions that: (1) Process
approach does not differ significantly from product approach to teach writing for the
eighth grade students of SMP Terpadu Ponorogo; (2) The students having high
creativity have better writing skills than of those who have low creativity; (3) There is
an interaction between teaching approaches and students’ creativity in teaching
writing for the eighth grade students of SMP Terpadu .
Finally, the results of this research imply that the students having high
creativity have better writing skills than those having low creativity. Furthermore, the
students’ psychological aspect, in this case is creativity, gave strong influences to the
students’ writing skills. Thus, it is recommended that in order to get maximum result
and effect on students’ writing skills, teachers are suggested to apply appropriate
approaches by considering students’ characteristics especially based on their degree
of creativity. Moreover, teachers are suggested to be more creative and innovative in
using or even blending the various kinds of teaching approaches. For other
researchers, it is hoped that these research findings can be used as a reference for
future researches. Moreover, other researchers may conduct researches viewed from
other psychological aspects.