The Activities at Kitchen Section in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo Final Project Report
Oleh :
Sigit Utoro S.N. - C9307080 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This final project report is written based on the job training activities I did in Sahid Jaya Hotel Solo. The aim of this final project is to describe my experiences of doing job training activities, including the problems I faced and the problem solutions I applied. The kitchen staff activity consists of briefing, doing the duties, assisting the chefs and keeping the kitchen’s cleanliness. I found some problems during apprenticeship. The chef was often unsatisfied with my works as his new assistant and trainee kitchen staff. Also, I found that there were many ingredients unavailable when it was needed in the kitchen stocks which could delay the cooking process in the kitchen. The problem solutions based on my experiences there were that I had to keep learning hard, keep focus, and be positive thinking, and as the kitchen staffs I had to be creative in modifying the menu with available ingredients without decreasing the deliciousness of the menu. Therefore, the best services will be always enjoyed by the guests.