The Use of Role-Play to Improve Students' Speaking Skill (a Classroom Action Research in Science Class XI-3of SMA Negeri 7 Surakarta in the 2011/2012 Academic Year)
Oleh :
Beni Widagdo - X2210006 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
Based on the writer’s observation on 8 August 2011 that was supported by
pre-test on 5th January 2012 in Science Class XI-3 of SMA Negeri 7 Surakarta, the
problems can be identified as follows; (1) the students got difficulties in pronouncing
word correctly; (2) the students got difficulties in using word; (3) the students got
difficulties in speaking grammatically; (4) the students were hardly able to speak
English fluently; (5) the students didn’t communicate in English comprehensively;
(6) The class was not interactive; (7) There was a minim interaction between students
to another student; (8) The students got easily embarrassed about talking in front of
others; (9) The students were lazy to ask the teacher about the problem in learning
speaking. Related to these problems, the writer proposes the implementation of role
play conducted for speaking activity.
This research is conducted; (1) to find out whether role play can improve
students’ speaking ability of Science Class XI-3 in SMA Negeri 7 Surakarta; (2) to
find out whether role-play can improve class situation’s problem in learning-teaching
activity in Science Class XI-3 of SMA Negeri 7 Surakarta.
In this study, the researcher applies a classroom action research. This research
was conducted in two cycles from 8th August 2011 to 19th January 2012. The first
and the second cycles consist of four and three meetings. They consist of planning,
action, observing, and reflection. The class consists of 28 students of 14 boys and 14
girls. The techniques of collecting data used were consisted observational and non
observational techniques. These data were analyzed by the quantitative and
qualitative data. Quantitative data was analyzed by comparing score before and after
each cycle. Qualitative was analyzed by constant comparative method.
The teacher and researcher analyzed the research results and conclude several
findings: (1) Students were able to pronounce the word; (2) Students were able to
speech grammatically; (3) Students were able to use words in speaking; (4) Students
were able to speech fluently; (5) Students were able to speech comprehensively; (7)
Students could make an interaction to another students in speaking class; (8) Some
students performed their speech voluntarily; (9) Almost of the students were
active to joint in the activity. It also can be seen that role play can improve students’
speaking ability by their test achievement. The students’ mean score before the action
is 60.48, it improves up to 66.92 in the first cycle, and up to 75.58 in the second
cycle. It can be concluded that role play can improve students’ speaking ability,
classroom situation, and is very potential to be applied in speaking class.