
Kontribusi pajak reklame dalam meningkatkan pendapatan asli daerah kabupaten sukoharjo tahun 2011

Oleh :
Anhar Ripwan Maskani - F3409006 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

The local financial source derives from local original income, one of which derives from advertisement tax. The objectives of research is to find out the realization obtained and whether or not the targeted advertisement tax revenue can be obtained, to find out the contribution and advertisement tax revenue growth rate, and the attempts taken by the Local Income, Financial Management and Asset Office (DPPKAD) of Sukoharjo Regency. Based on the research conducted, the contribution given to local original income in 2011 was 1.634%, had meet the target and the growth rate increased compared with the previous year. The writer recommended the DPPKAD of Sukoharjo Regency to improve the apparatus empowerment particularly concerning the registration and advertisement tax collection as well as to improve the inter-division coordination existing in DPPKAD of Sukoharjo regency that so far still showed low coordination.