
Improving The Students’ Grammar Mastery Through Egra Technique (A Classroom Action Research at the class VIII E of SMP N 01 Jaten Karanganyar in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)

Oleh :
Fia Renny Syahara - X2210013 - Fak. KIP

This research aims to find out whether EGRA technique can effectively improve the students’ grammar mastery and the strengths and weaknesses of EGRA technique to improve the students’ grammar mastery to the class VIII E of students of SMP N 1 Jaten Karanganyar in the academic year 2011-2012. Classroom action research was used in the research. The action research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of six steps namely identifying the problem, gathering data, interpreting data, acting on evidence, evaluating result and next step. To collect the data, the researcher used interview, observation, field note, questionnaire, photographs and test. The tests included pre-test and post-test. The researcher analyzed the quantitative data by analyzing the mean score of the tests. While, the qualitative data was analyzed by interactive approach. Both of the quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed to answer the problem statement mentioned above. The result of the research shows that EGRA technique can effectively improve the students’ grammar mastery and it has the strengths and weaknesses. The improvement of the students’ grammar mastery can be seen from the test scores. The mean score of the test result is 56.7 for pre-test, 68.8 for the post-test 1 and 91,8 for the post-test 2. The researcher also identifies some strengths of using EGRA in teaching grammar. They are (1) EGRA can enhance the students’ grammar concept, (2) Generalization stage in EGRA steps can pump up the students’ discovery in learning structures of a sentence and (3) EGRA technique can be a tool of motivator to build the students’ awareness in learning grammar. However, she also finds the weaknesses of the technique such as it requires much time allotment in generalization stage and the students sometimes bored in meeting with structures many times.