
A Content Analysis on The English Textbook “Progress” Used by The Tenth Year of Senior High School

Oleh :
Intan Riadhul Hasanah - K2208020 - Fak. KIP

This research report is mainly intended to find out whether the English textbook used for the tenth year student of senior high school English on Progress develops the skills suggested by School-based Curriculum and communicative exercises. In line with the objectives of the research, the writer uses a descriptive method. In collecting the data, she uses document as data source. The data are analyzed by following seven steps: (1) Finding out the kinds of skill and communicative exercise available on the textbook, (2) Classifying them, (3) Analyzing them, (4) Counting them, (5) Giving percentage from the total number, (6) Judging whether the data are appropriate with the indicators in School-based Curriculum or not, and (7) Drawing conclusion and proposing suggestions. The result of the analysis shows that the percentage of the appropriateness of the skills developed in the textbook is 59.22% (listening: 62.85%; speaking: 59.38%; reading: 47.06%; writing: 63.16%). It means that the textbook is compatible with the School-based Curriculum in developing skills. Some of the activities in the textbook cover the four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The textbook entitled “Progress” Grade X is a good textbook to support the language skill materials in teaching-learning process for the students of Senior High School. Meanwhile the percentage gained in developing the communicative exercises is 62.5%. The result of this study implies that the teacher should complement the teaching materials with other books in order to achieve the goal of teaching English. The writer of the textbook should revise the textbook and add more texts, activities, and communicative exercises to increase the quality of the textbook.