
Implementing cooperative language learning to improve students’ reading comprehension (A Classroom Action Research Conducted at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 3 Surakarta in the Academic Year of 2011/2012)

Oleh :
A.Kusumaningtyas - X2207045 - Fak. KIP

The objective of this research is to improve students’ reading comprehension and motivation in learning English using Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) approach. The collaborative classroom action research was conducted by the researcher from March to September 2011 to the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Surakarta. There were 32 students as the subjects of the research. At the pre-observation, it was found that the students had difficulties in: (1) identifying word meaning; (2) Identifying main idea; (3)Find detailed information of the text; (4) Find implied information of the text; (5) Identifying referent of pronoun. In this research, the researcher taught reading using Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) approach. Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) is a variety of teaching learning approach in which students are divided to work in a group, help and criticize one another. The primary role of learners in cooperative learning is as a member of a group who must work collaboratively with another group member. One of the characteristics of cooperative language learning is a group of learning activities in which there is learners’ interaction to increase the motivation. It means that it is through language that learners come to understand ideas. In delivering ideas, students need to talk and share their ideas, and through this way, students’ reading comprehension can be improved since the purpose of cooperative learning itself is to stimulate students’ interaction. The researcher conducted two cycles of action. There were great improvements resulted from conducting the action. The result of the action showed that the students’ reading comprehension improved as shown in the result of both the observation of students’ activities during the actions and the results of the pre-test and the post-test mean scores. The pre-test mean score was 58.97 increasing to 75.38 in the post-test. There were also improvements in students’ behavior. During the action, the students paid good participation to the lesson. It was proven by their activeness in doing all the assignments. They could collaborate well with other students and fully participate in the lesson. At the end of the research, the writer gives suggestions for the English teacher. Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) can be chosen as an appropriate approach in order to improve students’ reading comprehension and make the students more motivated in learning English