
The Internal And External Problems Faced By The Fourth Grade Students Of SDN Madegondo 03 In Learning English

Oleh :
Kristiana Tiwik Yayianti - C9309045 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

This final project is written based on the job training I did as an English teacher at SDN Madegondo 03, Sukoharjo. This final project discusses the problems in learning English faced by the fourth grade students of SDN Madegondo 03. Based on my observation, I found that some problems hampered the English teaching and learning process in the school. The problems came from the internal of the students and the external of the school. The internal problems were less motivation, less discipline, and lack of self-ability & confidence. The external problems were lack of facilities, problems related to the teacher’s skill and unsupported environment. I also presented the solution to solve those problems.