
Penerapan Bauran Promosi dalam Meningkatkan Jumlah Pengunjung Agrowisata Sondokoro

Oleh :
Desmawati Irawan - F3209034 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

In business realm development currently, not only industry business realm experiences competition, but also tourism service experiences competition. Every company should make promotion with appropriate measures and provide distinctive image to attract the public. Sondokoro Agro-tourism is one example; Sondokoro Agro-tourism builds a unique and special sugar plant history agro-tourism concept different from other agro-tourism preexisting in Indonesia. Sondokoro agro-tourism has historical and educative values in which the visitors can find out the sugar production process, from sugarcane planting to milling, as well as sugar packaging. The author conducted this research to find out the promotion mix applied to Sondokoro Agro-tourism in improving the number of visitors and to find out the development level of visitor number, including whether or not there was an effect of promotion mix applied with the development level of visitor number. The data type used by the author was qualitative and quantitative data. The data source used was the secondary one. In addition, techniques of collecting data used were interview, library study, and observation. Meanwhile the data analysis used was descriptive technique of analysis. The objective of Sondokoro Agro-tourism establishment was to explore the ancient potential uniqueness, as education and recreation means for the public (family). In Sondokoro Agro-tourism, promotions applied were advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relation. In addition, the promotion cost spent in the last two years was IDR 25,440,710 in 2010 with visitor number of 413,471 people and IDR 1,633,750 in 2011 with visitor number of 326,172 people. From the research conducted, it could be concluded that promotion media used by Sondokoro Agrotourism had not affected significantly the increase of visitor number.