
Evaluasi Sistem Pemberian Kredit Konsumtif pada PT. BPR Nguter Surakarta dengan Penerapan Prinsip Kehati-Hatian

Oleh :
Agita Dyah Hapsari - F3309003 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

The purpose of this research is to know the system, procedure, internal control, and application of the precautionary principle consumtive credit PT. BPR Nguter Surakarta. One of application of the precautionary principle is being a healthy credit procedures. Credit procedures be used as guidance implementation of credit activities from start application consumtive credit until consumtive credit liquefaction process. The step of this research is done by comparing between theory and methods of primary data collection that is data obtained directly from PT. BPR Nguter Surakarta, interview that is methods of data collection by direct questioning with the competent authorities in this matter. The result of the research are can know the excess and weakness in the system of consumtive credit PT. BPR Nguter Surakarta with the application of the precautionary principle. The excess are separation of functions related with consumtive credit system, documents used already has a serial number printed and authorized by the related functions, accounting records and inputting data using a computer system, credit procedures are supported by the performance of the functions related and application of the precautionary principle, job rotation to maintain the independence of the functions in implement task. The weakness are collateral assessment only carried out by the Account Officer, documents used in the system of consumtive credit haven’t a double sheet, and cases of nonperforming loans is still happening. Recomendations may be made to achieve the system of consumtive credit with application of the precautionary principle better. The recomendations is collateral assessment of should be include internal staff bank, documents used in the system of consumtive credit should have a double sheet, and credit analysis procedures done carefully and thoroughly. Keywords: accounting system of consumtive credit, precautionary principle