Analisis Selisih Penjualan Kupon PJP2U dengan Pemakaian Counter PAX pada PT.Angkasa Pura I (PERSERO) Bandara Internasional Adi Soemarmo Surakarta
Oleh :
Kunthi Ksama Wimatsari - F3309065 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
The purpose of this research was to determine the cause of the difference between the sales of PJP2U coupon with the counter pax, and to know the efforts made to resolve the difference between the sales of PJP2U coupon with the counter pax.
The step of this research is conducted by comparing the theory and practice are actually doing.
The result of the research was to determine the cause of differences in the amount of purchase PJP2U coupons with the use of counter pax and grooves and calculation of the actual purchase.
The conclusion of the research are the first, difference the presence of foreign sales of PJP2U coupon with the use of counter pax in 2009, 2010, and 2011 for domestic and international flights. Differences in the amount of the sales of PJP2U coupon generally occurs in the months that there are many holidays such as religious holidays, school holidays and long weekend. Although the difference doesn’t occur every month, but still affect the amount of annual recap. For second, difference that occur due to flight cancellation of the airline the passenger, the passenger shouldn’t have to buy tickets PJP2U e.g infant, airlines crew, or the elderly, crowded flights, and less neatly checking the manifest by the number of passengers who have to pay a PJP2U coupon. The third, difference that occurs is actually more profitable company because of PJP2U excess income, but the difference was less visible presence of officers neatly that lead to the assumption that the system is not good, whereas in fact the procedure is well-run company.
Based on the result of research, the researcher give some suggestions include provide briefings to each officer before carrying out their duties every day, improve accuracy in researching each boarding pass before selling PJP2U coupons, fellow officers are expected to remind each other about the rules set, for examples, when the infant, elderly or collectible crew should get free pre-PJP2U, provide information to passengers if there are cancellations of flights is expected to redeem coupons for PJP2U coupon can be refunded, give notice to the airlines when there are passengers who don’t cancel the flight.
Keyword: sales of coupon PJP2U, counter pax, check-in, manifest, passenger