
Evaluasi Sistem Pemberian Kredit Griya Multi (KGM) pada PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. Kantor Cabang Pembantu Sukoharjo

Oleh :
Khoiria Adi Rohkmah - F3309064 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

The purpose of research is to eveluate system of giving Kredit griya multi (KGM) that’s applied to the PT. BTN (Persero) Tbk, branch office Sukoharjo. Step of research carried out by comparing the theory with actual practice in the field. Evaluation results of these observations is aware of the strengths and weaknesses in the credit system griya multi (KGM) in PT. State Savings Bank (Limited) Tbk. Branch offices Sukoharjo. Some of the advantages found in a system granting credit in credit analysis involves a Branch Manager and credit decision making based on the opinion of the KPK (Kelompok Pemutus Kredit) for assessing the suitability of granting credit to potential borrowers, the use of computerized systems in service to its customers, as well as the credit application form is not made specifically for the Bank BTN, is considered to be more efficient. From even this observation is also found some weaknesses that occur, such as the existence of some documents in the process of credit that has not been created griya multi bottomed so that in terms of security documents is still lacking. Based on the results of observation and discovery of some weakness then the author gives some suggestions include documents created some double to give to each section as evidence of transactions; We recommend credit form accompanied by printed numbers sort to avoid the existence of fictitious documents; as well as the addition of employees so as not to place a dual function.