
Studi tentang pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran seni lukis pada mata pelajaran seni budaya siswa kelas xi program studi akuntansi di smk diponegoro majenang kabupaten cilacap jawa tengah tahun ajaran 2011/2012

Oleh :
Maulida Avi Vais - K3206031 - Fak. KIP

This research aims to find out the Painting art Learning Process in Cultural art and Skill Subject of XI graders of accounting study program of SMK Diponegoro Majenang of Cilacap Regency including learning material, method, media and evaluation. This research was taken place in XI grade of Accounting study program of SMK Diponegoro from August to December 2011. This study was a descriptive qualitative research with a single embedded case. The data source of research included teacher of Cultural Art subject, place, document, and library resource. Techniques of collecting data used were interview, observation, and documentation. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The data validity techniques used were data triangulation and informant review. Technique of analyzing data was an interactive model of analysis. From the result of research, it could be concluded that: (1) the learning materials of Cultural Art taught in painting art field included definition, history and elements of painting art. (2) The learning method of painting art used included: lecture, debrief, demonstration, and assignment giving. The lecture method was used to deliver all materials of painting art. Demonstration method was used to demonstrate the technique of painting on cobek (mortar). Debrief method was used to find out the students’ conception after learning as well as to deepen the material. Assignment giving method was used to find out the learning achievement as well as to conduct evaluation. (3) The learning media used to deliver material or information in front of class was demonstration using white board. In addition, the teacher also showed the seniors’ works. Meanwhile in theory material, the teacher explained it using Harry D. Fauzi’s Cultural Art package learning source for the XI grade published by Armico Bandung. (4) Learning evaluation was done by assessing daily quiz, practice task, and final examination. The assessment was scored as good, medium or poor corresponding to the minimum graduation criteria (KKM) predetermined by the teacher.